News about Laura

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  1. Sine

    User deleted

    Ok.. it's time to explain to our strangers fans what's going on :D

    After the finnish album "S'intitola così", Laura is coming back with a new one! When is it going to happen?? On April 30th!

    This is not the only piece of news we want to share with you ;) ...yep...Tomorrow it'll be available in most of the italian radios the new single "Tra noi l'immensità" which it's been chosen by an important communication company like its soundrack for an advertisement.

    So we're all waiting for tomorrow and fot the next month *-*

    Just today Laura has been interviewd by valuzza* about the new song.

    Here what she said about writing it :

    “Tra noi l’immensità è un brano che è nato nel nostro studio di registrazione mentre io e Mario Natale ci siamo trovati ad improvvisare un motivo insieme ad un amico, Catilina Shermann. Ci siamo fermati dopo il primo ritornello e ci siamo guardati negli occhi… “Alt! Qui bisogna subito registrarla” ci siamo detti. E tutta d’un fiato è arrivata la melodia con le parole quasi spontaneamente. La Telecom è arrivata poco tempo dopo dietro spinta dello stesso Catilina insieme con Flavio Ibba, mio amico musicista che ormai da tempo ha contatti stretti con il mondo della pubblicità”.

    "Tra noi l'immensità is a song born in our studio while me and Mario were playing, it began as joke with a friend of ours, Catilina Shermann, but suddenly we stopped, we looked at our unbelievable faces and we said " Stop, we've to record it!".And then came the melody with the a so natural way.
    Our friend Catilina together with Flavio Ibba, a musician who's into advertising, pushed to use the song for Telecom (italian communication company) and here we are,it happened."

    That's all folks! Stay tuned :D
  2. Lyceria

    User deleted

    Thanks Sine :lol:
  3. FufaFaith

    User deleted

    Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Lyce! How are you? XD
  4. Sine

    User deleted

    New album is coming up on May 18th!

    Laura will perform the new album at Big Mama's in Lonato (Brescia) on April 30th! Can't wait!!!
  5. Lyceria

    User deleted

    QUOTE (Sine @ 21/4/2010, 00:56)


    pretty cheap price :) ... vs. albums in Finland ~ 20€
  6. Sine

    User deleted

    yep! Laura's New Label choose a better price so that everyone can buy the new album... and more than a copy :)
  7. FufaFaith

    User deleted

    Yes, yes u.u
    Head insegnami a scrivere in questa sezione ç__ç
6 replies since 11/3/2010, 23:13   148 views